BC Women's Institute

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A Community Christmas

 Community Christmas It's Christmas and everyone's thoughts turn to celebrating this time of the year.  We gather with friends and family and most of us take part in the  festive season's community events.  We are always reminded to eat locally and consider our local growers. You can book turkeys and select local produce for the table. But in our frenzy to find the biggest and the best Christmas presents we often overlook what our communities have to offer.  What's in Your Community?

  • Most local stores, hair salons and restaurants have gift certificates or gift cards.  I have a friend that collects gift cards in varying denominations and tucks them in with her home made gifts. They are great for teenagers.  Many would love one for their favourite coffee shop.
  • Do you have a fitness enthusiast on your list?  There are gym memberships or Drop In Cards that you can purchase.  If they already have a membership  a session with a trainer would be a great gift.
  • We try to eat healthy and often talk about organic foods or the 100 mile diet.  Many of the  growers in your area have produce packages that make great gifts.  Often it can be arranged to have a selection of in season produce delivered to the door as a one time offer or on a weekly/monthly basis.
  • Check for people that will do car detailing and washing. This local service usually has punch or gift cards for anything from do it yourself cleaning supplies to full service  detailing.
  •  Many times the simplest gifts are the best. Is there something you can do for friends or family?  A gift of shovelling a walk, snow plowing the driveway, weeding the garden or mowing the lawn, to name a few, can be the perfect gift for those that can't do it themselves. If you can't do it yourself  their are many entrepreneurs that would be happy to do the job. The same goes for minor repairs. Sometimes it is just changing light bulbs or tightening a screw for someone that can be a thoughtful gift.
  • Local volunteer groups, like the Women's Institute, have funding projects with money going to local hospitals and charities. Often their cookbooks, bake sales and crafts reflect the culinary and ethnic diversity of their communities. 
  • Have you considered the artisans, craft people and home based businesses in your area? You may be pleasantly surprised at what innovative talents they have to offer! Christmas bazaars are a great place to find local artistry. 
You can see there is lots of reasons to shop locally. Friends, family and neighbours are your local merchants, artisans and volunteers.  Whether it is Christmas or all year round, caring and sharing in your community benefits not only the businesses but everyone who lives there.
Hope I've given you a few ideas and creative ways to keep Christmas in your neighbourhood.
Colleen Hooper is a member of Atchelitz WI and is on the Board of Directors.