A National Convention - Why?


Mary Winspear Centre, FWIC 2012Such an event brings women from across Canada together to share face to face their W.I. interests, projects, and social concerns plus provides opportunities to renew old friendships and create new ones.

More Important Questions

B.C. members have been hearing a lot lately about the fact that we are hosting a Federated Women's Institutes of Canada National Convention, at Sidney, Vancouver Island, from June 12 - 16. 2012.Why Us?  Well, the current procedure is that a National Convention be held every 3 years, alternating between Eastern and Western Canada, hosted by a Provincial Women's Institute, and " it is our turn". We haven't had a National Convention in B.C. sine 1991, that's 20 years, so the opportunity doesn't happen all that often.Who Plan's It? For something of this magnitude ( we are anticipating around 350 attendees), a Committee was struck, with Donna Jack of Saanichton, VI as Chair, Janet Atkins, our current B.C. Executive Officer with FWIC, is Co-Chair, and members from around the provence have agreed to handle fifteen specific responsibilities.How Can They Communicate? Thank goodness for emails, a gismo called Drop Box and conference calls ( between Donna, Janet, and the National Executive). B.C.'s Committee only met together for a day before the AGM in 2010, and ditto before the Convention in 2011.Costs? - lots. We want to keep registration reasonable, grants and sponsors are hard to find, especially for anything that is part of a Convention, so we will also have Raffles, Silent Auctions, etc and look to all B.C. branches for support hosting this National event.Monetary Donations? Some branches already have given generously, using innovative ways to raise the funds. Small branches may consider an option of $5.00/member/year x 3 years, or send what they feel they can afford. Any amount is welcomed.Tardy? Some branches have not donated as yet, PLEASE send your contribution ASAP to Janet Bangs, 633 Sackner Road, Vanderhoof, B.C., V0J 3A0 or email a written commitment to bangsj@bcwi.ca.What's In it for Me? The chance of a lifetime to get together with other like minded women from across Canada--- to participate in the plenary business sessions, discussion on the resolutions, future plans for the W.I. on all levels and more.- to hear excellent speakers on pertinent topics- to attend 2 workshops from 16 offered, so the choices are huge- to broaden your scope of what W.I. stands for- to socialize, ( there are at least 3 social events)- to realize women have more interests in common than differences, and having fun together is therapeutic .How Do I Register? Access the Full Convention package on our website or at www.fwic.caConsider getting together with others from your branch/district to car pool transportation, and/or share accommodation. You can choose what you would like to attend. Day visitors are welcome.Where else can you share a trip and events with women from all over Canada?! See you at Sidney!Guest Post by Jean Johnson - FWIC 2012 PublicityLook for more Convention Postings, to keep you informed and excited as the time to meet in Beautiful Sidney, Vancouver Island draws nearer!

British Columbia Women's Institute

Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow.

The BCWI is an educational organization for women and families since 1897, and active in BC since 1909.


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