BC Women's Institute

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And So To Christmas

The festive season serves to being out the better aspects of humanity, and sometimes, even the more creative side of people!Such was the case with one member in the Bulkley-Tweedsmuir District in British Columbia when she wrote the following poem:


SANTA CLAUS 2"T'was the week before Christmas and all 'round the farm,

Hay was stacked to the rafters to protect it from harm.

Down in the manger the beasties were fed,

With dreams of green pastures in their dumb bovine heads.

The main house was warm, nay, toasty as toast

And the summer toil was over, a feat worth a boast.

And the wood on the porch was piled with pine and birch wood

Expecting minus 40, as we knew that we should.

The WI had gone to the hall

And the folks from Driftwood were having a ball.

Then there came from the foyer a rilling and ranta

That we looked all around - to see a furious Santa.

His face was mad-red to match the red of his suit

And a black mood was on him to match his black boots.

"Each season I come here with my bag full of toys

To bring happy smiles to good girls and boys -

I do it, no grumble, no protest or fuss

Cause Santa's are jolly and not s'posed to cuss.

But one thing that bugs me like a kick in the shins

Is the WI won't let men folk join in.

For roll call I'd gladly bring jellies and cakes,


Or even some cookies, if that's what it takes!

But the WI says "No way, Fat Man!

It's women only - that's the law of the land!"

"Well, discrimination's illegal - even Santa's have rights,

So - if you want to keep Christmas you'd best broaden your sights,

And no sense in grieving, nor seeking some clause,

Female chauvinism don't cut it with this Santa Claus!

If you want me to come here, turn over the coin,

Open the parlor to men and let some of us join."

Then with a tweek of his nose on his heel he did spin

And vanished from sight, leaving on a pin.

And on the pin was written this line:

"People's Institute Not women's! It's a sign of the times."

Now that winters begun and first snowfall fell,

And we're ready to relax and sit for a spell,

To visit with friends and share the good cheer:

Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year.

Remember Santa's warning and give it some heed

If you want a NEXT Christmas best be changing your creed!

"And so it came to pass in Driftwood that Santa Claus was made an honorary member of the Women's Institute."So this Christmas, may we be all-inclusive and open our hearts and homes to family,k friends and all others who need some special tender loving care in this wonderful season.Merry Christmas to all - we wish you love and laughter, great joy and the making of many wonderful memories. All the best for 2015!