FWIC 2012

WI Alive and Well

Sidney B.C. was a very busy place June 12-16 as women from across Canada gathered for the National Convention of Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada.The theme for the triennium was “Coast to Coast ~ Women’s Institute Alive and Well”. This emphasized the Heart and Stroke focus on women’s heart health with a unique challenge to WI members to walk across Canada, without leaving their community, by using a pedometer to track their steps during 2011. The winner, Judy Watson of Rock Creek, B.C. was recognized at the Convention.The Mary Winspear Convention Centre was a bustling site as the W.I. members participated in both social and business sessions.  The main hall was decorated with beautiful banners from each BCWI Branch and District. Coffee breaks were unique in that the Districts took turns offering snacks from their areas, such as fruit, grain breads and crackers, wild berry preserves, cheeses and much more.

Three Speakers

Speakers included well known Peter Legge, an internationally acclaimed professional speaker and strong supporter of Women‘s Institute.  Linda Wegner is a workshop consultant with the Agricultural Institute of Management in Saskatchewan. Elaine Froese specializes in helping people in agriculture address business concerns, and encouraged her audience of WI women to be money smart.One afternoon, attendees chose two workshops from a diverse series.All was not just work as B.C. Day had tours of the area, with the finale a salmon dinner at Sooke with entertainment being a logger’s show of skills.  The WI ladies also had an evening to attend Sidney Summer Street Market.

Marie and Linda

Marie Kenny of PEI was installed as the incoming President, with Linda Hoy of Quebec as President Elect.  Executive members are appointed by each province to round out the hard working Board.  The 2015 Convention will be held in New Brunswick.

red gala

The Red Dress Gala on Saturday evening, recognizing the symbol of the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s The Heart Truth campaign, was a fitting wind up to a very successful event.Submitted by Jean Johnson

British Columbia Women's Institute

Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow.

The BCWI is an educational organization for women and families since 1897, and active in BC since 1909.


Thank You


World Rural Women's Day - Recognizing the Contributions