BC Women's Institute

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Hot Dog Mitts


Hot Dog Mitts

If you want to knit a quick pair of mittens that are cute and functional these are the ones.  They make quick gifts and are good to knit for bazzars.

Materials4mm double pointed needles100g ball worsted weight yarnInstructionsCast on 36 sts (12 on each needle)Knit  3, P3 for 5 inches.Put 6 sts on pin for thumb and cast on 6 sts under thumb.Continue K3, P3 rib for 6 inches or length of hand.Next row, K2 tog repeat to end of row.Draw  yarn through all stitches tie securely.Pick up 6 sts on pin for thumb, 6 sts under thumb and 3 on each side (18)Continue in K3, P3 rib (or thumb can be knit plain)Knit 2 1/2 to 3 inches.Next row K2 tog, repeat to end of row.Draw yarn through all sts and tie securely. You now have your first pair of Hot Dog Mitts. The kids and grandkids will love them.Happy Knitting!!!!!