Merry Christmas to all!
“December is a happy month, of peace and real goodwill,The grand finale of our climb across another hill of time.The prelude to a brand new year, and all that it will bring,December is a joyful month, to which we tightly cling.For near its end we celebrate the greatest day of all:Christmas – with its carols and its evergreens so tall.December is the children's month, when youth runs on a spreeWaiting on old Santa Claus to fill their hearts with glee.December welcomes wintertime and dreams of long ago,Yes, somehow every time it comes, deep down inside, I glow:Because it leaves a mellow web of times that I remember
Thank God that I am here to see another sweet December!” I do not know who wrote this bit of Christmas poetry, but I think if everyone were so positive about the season and the happiness it brings, we would live in a wonderful world!As we reflect on the past twelve months – and even longer –we should indeed be thankful for life, and for the opportunity to help others in whatever way our Women's Institutes, individually and collectively, strive to make life a little easier for someone else. Whether you donate to Food Banks, to help hospitals who help the ill, or assist shut-ins with their needs, we are all entering into the spirit of the season.Earlier members had a great many things they could address to help their local citizens. They added joy to the season with Christmas parties for families and by inviting those who lived close by but would be alone for the day by opening their family circle to include the lonely and those who lived a solitary life.Perhaps things are different now, but there will always be a need for the inclusion of the lonely, concern for those who are ill, as well as finding ways to bring a smile to those who find the holidays less than uplifting.The Women's Institutes everywhere have along record of concern for others – a record that is inscribed in the minutes of meetings over many, many years. Stories of Christmas parties and pageants, helping hands extended, and countless good deeds.So, accolades to the members who have gone before us, and to those who are continuing the tradition of spreading Christmas joy. I salute you on behalf of all those people you have helped – and I wish you much joy in your efforts this Christmas“Somehow, not only for Christmas, but all the long year through,The joy that you give to others, is the joy that comes back to you.
- John Greenleaf Whittier”
To each and everyone “Merry Christmas and may 2019 bring you joy, love and laughter!”Ruth Fenner, Provincial Historian