BC Women's Institute

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A Tribute and a Look Back

On March 10th, 1983, William MacGillivary died. He was a former Deputy Minister in the Department of Agriculture of British Columbia and one of the very best friends of the BC Women's Institute. Jean Robinson and Hazel Woodward began reminiscing about the contributions Mr. MacGillivary had made to the WI work, and of the encouragement and counsel he had offered. This article is taken from their writings.

The scenario began to develop when Stella Gummow resigned as Superintendent of Women's Institutes, a position she had held for some years. At that point, Mr. MacGillivary became the unofficial advisor to the Provincial Board; Mrs. Frances Decker had been elected Provincial President some months earlier. This arrangement carried on for some months, as the WI were anticipating the naming of a new Superintendent. Through existing arrangements with the Department of Agriculture they still had office space, personnel and the business of the WI continued. However, there were no plans for the future, and that was a concern.

After considerable discussion the Provincial Board of the day arrived at the question: Could the Provincial Board provide the guidance and to a degree the stability and authority necessary? Could and more importantly, would, the Institutes, spread all over the province, be kept as a cohesive cooperating body under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Board? Mr. MacGillivary and Mrs. Decker were along with the Provincial Board members who spent a great deal of time in consultation. They decided that the members, not the Provincial Board needed to make the decision as to what pattern the WI would follow in the coming months and years. A meeting was called in Victoria, and each District was asked to send a representative. All but one did so. After considerable discussion it was decided that the proposals they had arrived at be further developed and that the matter be presented to the 1960 Biennial Convention where all BC Women's Institute members would be given the opportunity to make the final vote.

Provincial Board members attended each of the District Conferences, and answered questions.

In the meantime, Mr. MacGillivary, working behind the scenes and with the WI Board obtained assurances that the Women's Institutes would receive a grant equal to the sum then being expended on behalf of the Institutes which included the salaries of Superintendent and Secretary, an office, telephone and many courtesies and  services would also be provided. At the 1960 Biennial Convention the proposals were approved, and the BCWI became a self governing body under the guidance of an elected Board of Directors.

A Salute to Mr. MacGillivary and all the other men who have supported us along our way!

Ruth Fenner, Provincial Historian, British Columbia Women's Institute