BC Women's Institute

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 Here's a great treat, remember the 100 Mile Diet!Our local farmers work hard trying to produce your food!Remember the rule of seven!  Every dollar spent in your local community cycles seven times.


28 ounce tin pumpkin

14 ounce tin evaporated milk

3 eggs, beat well

Add: 1 ½ tsp Ginger

          2 tsp. Nutmeg

          2 tsp. Cinnamon

          1 tsp. Cloves

          1 ½ cups brown sugar

Pour into a 9 x 13 greased pan.  Sprinkle 1 box double layer yellow cake mix (dry) over wet mixture, Pat down gently with a fork.

Sprinkle 1 ½ cups chopped pecans.  Drizzle 1 cup of melted butter over top.  Bake @ 350 degrees 50 -60 minutes

 This is a great recipe, I am sure many of you have your favorite recipes.  If you've taste tested this please leave a comment below or email us at magnusonj@bcwi.caUntil next time, happy baking.  Janice.