BC Women's Institute

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WI This Month-Dec


Somenos Women's Institute Travel Tea

Somenos BannerThe Travel Tea held by Somenos Women's Institute was a very successful event -- about 60 attendees gathered at Somenos Community Hall on a day that threatened snow and rain, but in the end proved to be rather normal.


Our Speaker from the Well Gray Tour Company gave us a heads up on some of the benefits and advantages of travel. It indeed is an educational experience, not just the new places you see, but also the new people you meet, as well as the cultural and food experiences that can be very new and enlightening.

Travel Voucher Donated

Our speaker donated a travel voucher in the amount of $100.00 and this was won by Laura Baird of Cobble Hill WI. A Christmas swag, donated by Somenos WI was won by a member of the Red Hat Group.

Money Raised For Bursary

We had a number of baskets that were raffled, and in the final accounting, we found that we had cleared more than enough money for a bursary for some young student next June. Our thanks to all who attended, and to those members who made the day and the food so memorable.Ruth Fenner is a member of Somenos WI and on the Board of Directors