Women's Institute Week


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Women’s Institute Week will be celebrated across Canada from February 19 to 25, 2012.

BC Branches Throughout the Province

Here in B.C. women are active in branches of W.I. throughout the province, helping their members, communities, province, country and world.   The organization at all levels is summed up in the words ‘Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow’.

British Columbia Women's Institute Began over 100 Years Ago

Women’s Institute started over 100 years ago in B.C. as a means to provide support and help to rural women, who were new not only to Canada and B.C. but to rural life.  They learned skills for homemaking plus farm life such as raising chickens, growing gardens and so on.  Most women were isolated and the monthly meetings provided a social outlet, sessions on home and farm skills plus a means to discuss how their communities could be improved.  The women worked to help provide amenities such as schools, halls, local libraries, travelling health nurses and dentists.  The list was long and the women were persistent. 

Communities Benefit

Although society today reaps the benefits of the hard work of the early pioneers, Women‘s Institute does not rest on its laurels.  Today communities still benefit from the interest and work of the members.

Resolutions Sent to the Government

In step with the provincial organization, branches recently sent resolutions to governments on topics such as 'no Site C dam in the Peace', the potential risk to B.C. by  offshore drilling, and protecting our B.C. water supply. 

Social Aspects

Socially local members enjoy the monthly get-togethers which also offer a learning experience through brief items by members on a variety of topics.

Contact Us

W.I. has also moved with the times.  Check the provincial website at www.bcwi.ca ,  the national one at www.fwic.ca and the international at www.acww.org.uk

What are You Doing For WI Week?

Let me know what you are doing for WI week. I would love what your Branch or District is doing to celebrate the week. Send your articles and photos (Don't forget your photos!)You can send your items to Betty at the office at bcwi@bcwi.ca or to me at hooperc@bcwi.caThis post was written by Jean Johnson,  who is Publicity  for The FWIC Convention and is a very active member of Sunshine Valley WI                   

British Columbia Women's Institute

Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow.

The BCWI is an educational organization for women and families since 1897, and active in BC since 1909.


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