Read More about the latest BC Women’s Institute happenings
Stockholm, Sweden, 1933
In his book, What Country Women of the World Are Doing, Sholto Watt, son of Madge and Dr. Alfred Watt, covered the June 1933 meeting in Stockholm, Sweden at some length. Here it was the name the Associated Country Women of the World was chosen and written in four languages on the blackboard: English, French, German and Swedish.
The Times They Are A-Changing
January 2020 arrived with great plans for the British Columbia Women's Institute: while the members of South Vancouver Island District were busily planning the Provincial Convention planned for June in the Saanich area of Vancouver Island, and the Associated Country Women of the World area conference at the same venue few days later, no one anticipated the what the next six months would bring.
Dog Waste Bags
British Columbia Women's Institute (BCWI) passed the following resolution at its Annual General Meeting held June 12th 2020 by Zoom.
" Be it resolved that British Columbia Women's Institute urge the British Columbia Government to enact legislation to ban the sale of single use non compostable plastic dog waste bags and instead encourage products and methods that are proven environmentally safe and will degrade into natural substances."
Adelaide Hoodless’ pivotal part in the formation of the WI
The women decided to organise a group affiliated with the Farmer's Institute. Thus, February 19, 1897 saw the organization of the Stoney Creek Women's Institute - the first Women's Institute in the world. Through this new organisation, the members helped to improve the home from the physical, intellectual and cultural standpoints. The real object was to raise the standard of Homemaking.