Walk the World with ACWW

Walk The World Logo with ACWW

 April 29th 2012 is ACWW Day and they are asking that we put on our walking shoes and join them for Women Walk the World for ACWW’. Members are asked to start walking at the same time in every time zone. If everyone walks in each time zone we will walk the world in a 24 hr period.

Why Walk?

The aim of ACWW, is to generate a better awareness of the Country Women of the world. It will help raise funds to improve the standard of living of rural women and their families. ACWW  provides practical support to these women and assists in setting up income-generating programmes.  By furthering awareness it also gives rural women a voice at the international levels through links with UN agencies

Asked to Participate

We are a Category 1 Society under ACWW and have been asked (along with all Societies) to help support their world wide fund raiser.Walking is inexpensive  and makes it very achievable by everyone that would like to participate. It's as easy as putting on your shoes. You can walk by yourself or walk with a group of friends, family and branch members in your community.  You don't have to walk far-just walk at the designated time.

I would love to have your pictures and a little bit about your walk for WI Monthly.Get your walk organized now click on Walk the World With ACWW for more information.   

British Columbia Women's Institute

Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow.

The BCWI is an educational organization for women and families since 1897, and active in BC since 1909.


WI Members Dance Women Walk The World


Knitted Baby Bonnets