WI Members Dance Women Walk The World


W I Walk across Canada

Women In a Quandry

The members of Royal Oak and Colwood Women’s Institute were in a quandary.  How do we support our two favourite activities on April 29, 2012? Many of the members of both branches are Square Dancers as well as WI members.

"Walk" Across Canada

April 29, 2012 the WI members were to Walk across Canada for ACWW's Women Walk the World. As square dancers we were to support a large dance that welcomed new dancers, new executive members and “Dancers of the Year”.

Dancing Across Canada

We decided we could do both by “ Dancing” the “Walk Across Canada”. Many WI members participated. Pictured are those members left standing after almost 3 hours of continuous dancing and a combined total of 70km.Submitted by Sandra Rowan President of Royal Oak WI and co-ordinator  for Accommodation for The FWIC Convention 2012 in Sidney BC.

British Columbia Women's Institute

Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow.

The BCWI is an educational organization for women and families since 1897, and active in BC since 1909.


Treasures From The Past


Walk the World with ACWW